Gender Inclusive Housing & Ally Roommate Matching

The Residential Life Office is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all our residential students.

Gender Inclusive Housing is an environment where student housing is not restricted to traditional limitations of the gender binary (male/female). Gender Inclusive Housing means that students from all gender identities and expressions may choose to live together regardless of their academic classification. By moving through this section of the Housing Application you will be able to set your gender identity within the application & view spaces in the Gender Inclusive community that align with your identity, it will not impact your gender identity with the university online system at large. 

Gender Inclusive Housing is not just for those in the LGBTQIA+ community; it is for anyone who wants to live with people with whom they feel comfortable - no matter their gender identity. Students who select this option must be open to living with a person of any gender identity & classification. Those living in this community are committing to being a positive member in the Gender Inclusive Community. Students are interested in Gender Inclusive Housing for a variety of reasons. Our goal is to support you in making the best decision for YOU! 

As part of this commitment, we have established a matching process to accommodate students who wish to be matched with a roommate who is LGBTQA — either they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning, or they are an ally. There is a curated Gender Inclusive Housing Process available through the Housing Application for Continuing Students. First Time Students that are interested in the GIH Community must complete the form below. All Gender Inclusive Housing will be in Oak Hall- for more information please contact the Residential Life Team via 

For clarity, we need to define a few words. For the purposes of roommate matching, we will use the following definitions:


A member of a majority group who works to end oppression — in their personal and professional life — through support of and as an advocate for an oppressed group.


The identification of being biologically female, male, or intersex. Sex refers to the reproductive capacity or potential.


An individual's self-conviction of being a woman, man, or another gender. This is neither contingent on the individual's biological sex nor based on the individual's sexual orientation.

Before completing this form, consider the following:

  • The content in this form is confidential. We will use the information you provide through this form to make a match with another participant in the program.
  • To be considered for a roommate match, you must have already submitted your on-campus housing application.
  • Depending upon the number of requests for this matching process, you may experience some wait time between submitting this form and learning of your potential roommate assignment.
  • If you wish to participate in this program, you should complete this form as soon as possible for the fall semester to allow time to find a student who matches your housing selections.
  • You may still complete the form after the deadline, but, at that time, options may be limited.
  • We will reach out to you using the method of communication you indicate as your preferred method after you submit the form and after a match has been made. We may reach out to you at additional times throughout the process as needed.

If you have questions about the process or the status of your request, contact the Residential Life Office at

Note: If you already know who you would like as a roommate you do not need to go through this roommate matching process. Requests for a specific roommate must be mutual and both requests should be received early for priority consideration. Requests are not guarantees.